Digital Transformation in Policing – Microsoft Power Apps Animation

For many day-to-day tasks, frontline officers in the community traditionally need to travel back to the station to rewrite notes, manually enter data and pass information to the back office for processing. A process that is time consuming, takes resources away from the community and is not a good use of taxpayers’ money.

At Tisski, we have worked in partnership with Cumbria and Durham Constabularies and Microsoft to develop Power Apps for Policing; a suite of mobile applications designed to let officers do what they do best. Power Apps for Policing are easy to use and enables officers to access technology that speeds up the process when dealing with scenarios including traffic offences and ticketing, sudden death, youth offending intervention, use of force, managing witness statements and recording and management of pocket notebook entries, with integration to existing platforms, such as the Police National Computer.

This video shows how, by harnessing the power of Microsoft technology, police forces can benefit from Power Apps for Policing.